Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I have a friend that leaves for New York City today.

He has a job, place, and is an aspiring comedian as well.

I have few opinions on the city... I think deep down my heart belongs to the city of Chicago. Maybe Nashville, I really love Nashville.

I do however like people's interpretations of New York. I like Lou Reed's biographical "Walk on the Wild Side"... yes, they were all real people. I like to imagine what Max's Kansas City was like in its heyday... maybe I could've met Debbie Harry before she became a joke of herself. I like to imagine running into John Lennon on the street and just passing saying "Hey, you're John Lennon? I like George." I think of The Stones making their finest albums amidst a country ordered relocation to the big apple. I think of The Ramones and The Flamin' Groovies getting signed to Sire at the same time and playing gigs together. I don't care about CBGB's much... but could've been fun. I think of hiphop, old school hiphop and Brooklyn before it became a Mecca for hipster kids with parent's money. I imagine riding a bike with David Byrne and shunning him for becomming such an asshole.

I like Woody Allen's opening to Manhattan. I like the self deprecating look at a city he obviously loves.

I'm visiting my friend in January. My Christmas gift is a plane ticket. I will sleep on his couch and try out jokes for those who reside in the "1st city".

Let's hear it for New York

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