Monday, November 1, 2010

politics schmolotics

so yeah. i dont know why, but this song sums up the political spectrum for me right now.

im going to vote tomorrow.

i am only going to vote for one reason... it's actually a pretty cool reason.

i wrote this letter a couple weeks ago to a candidate:

Dear Michelle Mussman,

Today I received your letter asking me about my intent to vote. Receiving a letter addressed to me from a candidate was not strange to me because I have been inundated with campaign flyers recently. So much so in fact, I find it absurd. It is absurd on behalf of both parties. This household is a household of peoples that are all of voting age. I get it. But one attack flyer per household is clearly enough.

This shows me where both parties stand on environmental concerns. Over the past four days I have received 35 attack ads. Now, there are thirteen houses on my block… let us assume they are receiving the same amount. That is 455 flyers in four days. I live in a small neighborhood, but let’s assume there are say, 200 blocks that are all receiving that amount. That is 91,000 flyers. Granted these are estimated numbers, but my assumption could be close. And when you really get down to it, not a lot of people recycle.

I do not know much about how many trees it takes to produce paper… but that’s probably a lot of trees. Perhaps it is a small forest, maybe a small section of Busse Woods where I like to ride my bicycle. Perhaps these flyers were made from those trees. So maybe, just maybe… in the grand estimation I present to you… both parties have altered a piece of my community that I know people enjoy on an everyday basis.

I am not against flyer-ing or grass roots campaigns… heck; made America what it is right? But I am against the amount of waste both parties are presenting with these ads. Kudos on giving the printing agencies works in this time of a recession though.

Please do not feel this is aimed at you directly… it is merely a response to your very kind letter. I wish you good luck. I chose not to register to vote the last time I was at the DMV. It’s a personal choice of mine. Feel free to contact me. My number is 000-000-0000. Perhaps we can get a beer. Yes, This is printed on the back of your letter. Recycled.



not only did ms. mussman get back to me, she called me personally. left me a message. and told me i was in fact registered to vote. this really got to me. a candidate taking personal time to call someone. usually you just get a lame-o letter written by a staffer.

i now read today that people who have mussman signs in their yards are getting fake phonecalls from her opposition saying that they are mussman staffers...

which is ridiculous.

perhaps if a candidate took the time to be interested in cynical/smart ass potential voters... they would be more inclined to have more voters.

honestly, in the day and age of the internet and the fact 20-somethings regard The Daily Show as actual news... you have to step up the humor and acceptance of people like me.

and michelle mussman did that. and was able to gain my personal respect and vote.

so on november 2nd... i will vote. crazy. i havent voted since i was 18.

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