Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween

halloween. why am i sitting and reading e.e cummings?

i don't know. no trick or treaters.

i remember being 14 and sitting in a denny's... a girl told me about e.e cummings. i then bought a collection of his poems the next day.

i like this one right now...

your little voice...
your little voice
Over the wires came leaping
and i felt suddenly
With the jostling and shouting of merry flowers
wee skipping high-heeled flames
courtesied before my eyes
or twinkling over to my side
Looked up
with impertinently exquisite faces
floating hands were laid upon me
I was whirled and tossed into delicious dancing
with the pale important
stars and the Humorous
dear girl
How i was crazy how i cried when i heard
over time
and tide and death
your voice
and so it goes. a new week coming. let's see what happens.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Wanna Be a Dog

Today I went about my normal morning routine:

wake up
turn on computer
grab cigarettes
pour myself a cup of coffee
walk into living room to wake up dogs, feed, and let them out

I do this zombie routine every day… but today was different. I watched the dogs more intently for some reason.

My two dogs are 8 and 14… little old dogs. I walk over and say “good morning guys.” And then I watched their routine which was as follows:

rise slowly, as to not be shaken
stretch slowly, wake up your body
greet your loved one and be thankful they are there
take look upon what loved ones have offered you
go outside, move briskly, enjoy the morning air
come back refreshed and eat heartily

So after observing my dogs… I came to a brief, new realization… why do we not live our own lives as dogs? Is this not an amazingly healthy way to start your day?

Other things I noticed… simple pleasures. How easy would it be to enjoy life if we just had the understanding of simple pleasures that a dog does?

And of course, sex without consequence, others to feed us, people pet you, you can bite someone for no reason other than the fact you wanted to…

To be a dog…

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

so i've lost my mind

i dont know if im going insane or just having great bouts of genius. the next few months i'm pretty sure it'll pan out into incredible projects or "shit, joe just lost his mind".

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


this is still my favorite zombie movie of all time.

speaking of zombies... this friday night i will be performing as a zombie. i really love the idea of zombies breaking in and telling jokes. in fact im super stoked about it.

here is a link to more info:!/event.php?eid=164864133532366

James the Elephant

so i started making these "James the Elephant" cartoons. i have them all on my facebook but have so far only put one on youtube because youtube's processing is way too long.

so let's add this to the projects i'm doing... funny how i keep myself busy with ridiculous things...

but hey, if i didnt make dumb cartoons, paint, tell jokes on stage, make music, and currently start training for a 300 mile hike... what would i do?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Interview with Rodney Mullen

today is one of those days where you just happen to stumble upon inspiration and the right things you need to hear or see.

i was taken aback by this interview. listen to the guy. it's great.

it makes sense.

and to think it comes from a guy who, outside of the world he is popular in, you'd more than likely never expect to spout such subtle wisdom.

it's that humbling moment again... where you realize the world is never enough, but that's ok... do what you love.

You and I Are Not Special

i reccomend everyone listen and watch this about once a week.

it kind of just kicks you into place. and i believe that we, as a whole, never fully grasp the fact we are but a drop in a bucket. taking yourself out of the equation is almost impossible but this just gives you a bit of reality.

believe me, i absolutely despise reality.

and that's just it... a speck of dust on the cosmic spectrum. it's humbling in a frightening way... but perhaps will get you to be like "oh, shit... that guy who burned my latte at starbucks isn't really an asshole in the grand scheme of things."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

LCD Soundsystem - I Can Change

I've been listening to you all day James Murphy... all day, because you are on a hipster quest to make outrageously long songs. I get it. You wanted something that you could "just turn on and let play forever"

Cut it in half. Stop making good long music. I have errands to run today. Dick

Waxing My Chest and Stomach

Last night I went to a friend’s place. Her friend (who is an esthetician) was there and they were doing skin care this and that. I honestly was there only for the wine, because I enjoy wine and television. Let’s be real, I enjoy drinking. Well, I decided, “Why not join in the fun?”

I then proceeded to do a licorice facial cleanser and tea tree mask. They were doing chocolate and oatmeal something or others (Question Ladies: why do your skin care products sound so delicious and male skin care products sound like tigers attacking virgin women?) and a lip mask. It was pretty amazing. And I am comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit that this was awesome.

Well my friend also had wax. I, being the dork I am, joked when I got there that I would do my chest and stomach.

I don’t back down to shit.

So I then had friends wax my chest and stomach. I told a friend about it today and he said “Dude, that’s gay.” (I am not a fan of people using sexual orientation as an adjective by the way. Don’t get offended, getting offended is flippin’ lame) I reiterated to him that I was not wearing a shirt, laying on my back, and had women ripping hair out of my chest… people pay prostitutes good money to do that.
Today my chest is smooth, but looks like someone took a cheese grater to it. My friend said that I needed to exfoliate with olive oil and salt (again, delicious skin care). So I suppose today I will exfoliate with olive oil and salt.

The things you do because you feel like drinking.